Information on Tatal Insurance and Insurance News
Princeton University Awaits Ruling In Legal Fees Case With Insurance Giant AIG
(June 30th, 2007 by Andrew Smyth)
One of the most prestigious universities in the world and the largest insurer in the world are nearing the end of a heated legal battle concerning insurance for legal fees. Princeton University took American International Group (AIG) to court back over “how much American International Group must pay the school to cover legal fees from a protracted legal battle ...[]
10 Tips For Driving On 4th Of July From
(June 30th, 2007 by Andrew Smyth)
The New York based consulting firm Accenture released findings from a global study involving “104 North American and European property and casualty executives” according to National Underwriter. The study says, “property-casualty insurers are failing to use technology and alternative sourcing to improve their claims function, reduce their loss ratio and ...[]
Study Shows Insurers Improving Their Online Dealings With Customers
(June 30th, 2007 by Andrew Smyth)
It’s good news that many insurers have steadily improved their interactions with customers online. According to an article in National Underwriter Customer Respect Group, a Massachusetts consulting firm, said that a study that “evaluated the Web sites of a representative sample of auto insurance companies and ...[]
My Cholesterol Level Affected My Term Life Insurance Premium
(June 28th, 2007 by inszo)
First off let me just say that there is nothing better than a big juicy hamburger, a couple fries, or a thick slice of pepperoni pizza on an empty stomach on any given day that just makes you feel, well fat and happy. In fact I used to eat all of those on a regular basis in high school before a big football game, you know to “carb up” so that I can perform my best. Back in those days I don’t think any of us really ..[]
Using Term Life Insurance To Ensure College Is Covered
(June 28th, 2007 by palado)
With all the popularity of 529 Plans and other methods of saving for your children’s educational future, one great way of ensuring that all of college is paid for in the event of anything happening to you is often overlooked. That method is term life insurance. It’s quick, easy and usually very inexpensive to take out a policy on yourself with a term length that ensures that your children ..[]
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